009-Katja Gloeckler

Episode #9

  1. What was your life and work like before we met?
  2. What was the moment that you knew something had to change?
  3. Let us dive a little deeper into how you landed in erotic fiction?
  4. How did you experience the changes that you made in your life?
  5. I am sure there were setbacks. What were those setbacks and what did you learn?
  6. How does your life look like today?
  7. I know that during our coaching you were totally surprised when you discovered that sex is a very important part of your life. Tell us a little bit more about that, please!
  8. And what does it mean to you to write erotic fiction today?
  9. When was the last time you experienced goosebumps and why?
  10. What’s the one question that I should have asked you that would give great value to our audience?

You can get in touch with Katja here:

Website: katjagloeckler.com (The website is in German but Katja speaks and works also in English)



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